[EXCLUSIVE] First trial for the forged contract case related to “Choi Soon-sil’s tablet”... Decision made to conduct an analysis on the official handwriting

Whether the handwriting on the tablet contract matches that of Kim Han-su will be determined by a court-appointed handwriting examiner. In addition, not only SK Telecom officials but also Kim Han-su, Kim Sung-tae, and others have been selected as witnesses.

Uiwon, Hwang (Reporter) mahlerian@hanmail.net 2024.10.18 13:28:55

(September 26, 2024) In the criminal defamation trial disputing whether the SK Telecom mobile service contract for the so-called “Choi Soon-sil tablet” was forged, it has been decided that an official handwriting analysis of the disputed contract will be conducted. If the forgery of the tablet contract is confirmed, it is expected to become a crucial turning point in uncovering the truth behind the alleged manipulation of the tablet.

On September 26, the 12th Criminal Division of the Seoul Western District Court (presiding Judge Kwon Seong-su) held the first preparatory hearing for the trial of Byun Hee-jae, CEO of MediaWatch, who has been indicted on charges of violating the Information and Communications Network Act (defamation) against SK Telecom (Case Number: 2024고합228, Seoul Western District Court). Typically, defendants are not required to appear at preparatory hearings, but Byun Hee-jae attended the hearing with his attorney, Kim Jae-won (court-appointed lawyer).

After the court’s identification process and the prosecutor’s opening statement, Byun Hee-jae’s side expressed their intention to deny all of the charges brought by the prosecution and reiterated their desire for a public jury trial. When Byun’s defense challenged the evidentiary admissibility of SK Telecom’s complaint and the statements from the complainants, the prosecution responded by announcing their plan to call SK Telecom officials as witnesses. Byun’s side further requested additional witnesses, including former Blue House administrator Kim Han-su and Marei Company CEO Kim Sung-tae, be summoned separately from the prosecution’s witnesses.

Judge Kwon Seong-su agreed to summon both the prosecution’s witnesses and those requested by the defense. He also stated that since the defendant’s desire for a public jury trial is firm, the trial will proceed under that assumption.

Byun Hee-jae also strongly requested an official handwriting analysis of Kim Han-su’s signature on the contract, which he claimed was the most decisive piece of physical evidence in the case. His intention was to prevent any further disputes, as the handwriting match had already been confirmed and cemented through a private analysis.

Judge Kwon accepted Byun’s request for an official handwriting analysis. The judge noted that the next preparatory hearing would focus on how to proceed with the handwriting analysis. If the official analysis takes place, the court-appointed handwriting examiner and Kim Han-su may both attend the hearing for an on-site handwriting test.

After the hearing, Byun Hee-jae expressed optimism, stating, “The public jury trial is important, but I'm particularly encouraged by the decision to proceed with the official handwriting analysis. Even if Kim Han-su tries to escape, there’s already enough handwriting from the contract to compare, and the signatures are identical. So, the forgery will first be confirmed, and then we will stand before the jury.”

The next preparatory hearing for the “Choi Soon-sil tablet” contract forgery trial is scheduled for November 28th at 2 p.m. in Courtroom 304 of the Seoul Western District Court.


Uiwon, Hwang (Reporter) mahlerian@hanmail.net

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